What could possibly be better than having a giant high definition poster of every US TurboGrafx release hanging on your game room wall? Possibly actually owning every game on the poster is the only thing that comes to mind. Minus the recent Aetherbyte release Insanity X and the upcoming Mysterious Song by Frozen Utopia, this poster features EVERY US release for one of the finest consoles to ever grace video gaming history. Of course this library of awesomeness is dwarfed by the all encompassing Japanese library that the PC Engine offers, but these games still hold a firm grasp in all our hearts! Just look at this thing. This is it! This is the entire library in one screen shot! Damn! From the legendary Ys to the epic Ninja Spirit, Air Zonk, Bonk, timeless classics like Beyond Shadowgate to turds like Godzilla are all included in this amazing poster!! This would be the perfect Christmas gift for any turbob nerd!
This poster is available at http://www.cafepress.com/pcenginefx.260707543 for a little over $20. I think that is a steel, especially given the quality of the poster! I know this probably sounds more like an advertisement than an actual blog post, but something like this hanging on my wall would be so epic!
You read it. You cannot un-read it.
You shouldn't say EVERY game. It's missing Bikini Girls!