It's been a long time, too long! A long long time ago, in a galaxy much like this current one you see before you today. GamEscape was more than just the coolest place on earth to read blogs, catch up with close friends from college, and chat about video games. It was once a full bodied business in Central Wisconsin. The name GamEscape was the only source for video games, collectable card games, board games, Role Playing games, and 20 year old sticks of gum packaged with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle trading cards!!
Now in its present state, GEO is a blog site. with links to forums and sites related to the world of video games. Some old, some new.
What is gone? The Bravenet site. Actually, it still exists, but its become a myspacelike bitch of a place to moderate and make changes to. Its so linear we really can't do much with it anymore. The links to all the crazy video game pages are gone too.
What is new? The forums, not even a week ago we opened up a brand new forum section. A little cleaner than our last effort, along with a fresh start we've got a smaller area to work with. Less forum options, just the perfect size for a small community to plan gatherings, talk about problems, glitches, strategies or whatever they want! Links to our Youtube Channel, our Twitter account also!! Follow or sub to us on those sites too!! Its MANDATORY!! lol, jaykay.
What you need to do? Join our forums, or troll, or lurk about. Just be sure to know that you are welcome to do whatever you want here, and I hope in my heart of hearts that we can somehow give you something new to talk about.
You read it. You cannot un-read it.
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